The conference organizing committee will adopt the following  measure to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission:

- All the conference spaces will be equipped with hands sanitizers: they will be placed at each room entrance and exit as well as along the way to reach them.

- In each room will be guaranteed a minimum safety distance of 2 meters between the occupants and  a body temperature measurement  system will placed at entrance.

- The areas where the conference will take place are located in the same building to limit the movement into the Faculty campus.

- A properly safety distance of 2 meters will be guaranteed between the tables in the lunch and break areas. Each table will host two conference partecipants with a distance between them greater than standard social distancing (1 m).

- The food will be served by staff equipped equipped with disposable gloves and masks and subjected to daily check by measuring body temperature before going on duty.

 - The access to the conference rooms sits as well as to the eating room tables and food area will be properly marked on the floor  to allow and facilitate social distancing.

- Daily cleaning and disinfection in guest rooms and common areas will be also performed.